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Object Protection in JavaScript

Object Protection in JavaScript

In JavaScript, object protection refers to techniques and features that allow you to control the mutability and access to object properties. These methods ensure that an object’s data is safeguarded from unintended modification, deletion, or exposure. This article will explore the different ways you can protect objects in JavaScript.

1. Using Object.freeze()

The Object.freeze() method prevents modifications to an object. Once an object is frozen, you cannot add, delete, or update any properties. This method makes the object immutable, meaning its structure and values are locked.

Example of Object.freeze()

const user = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30

// Freezing the object

// Attempting to modify the object
user.age = 40;  // This won't change the value
delete;  // This won't delete the name property = "New York";  // This won't add the new property

console.log(user);  // Output: { name: "John", age: 30 }

As demonstrated in this example, freezing an object prevents any further changes to its properties.

Limitations of Object.freeze()

  • It only freezes the object at the first level (shallow freezing). If the object has nested objects, those nested objects can still be modified.
  • It cannot add new properties, delete existing ones, or modify property values.

2. Using Object.seal()

The Object.seal() method allows you to protect an object from adding or deleting properties, but it still lets you modify the existing properties’ values. This is useful when you want to maintain an object's structure but allow updates to its values.

Example of Object.seal()

const car = {
  brand: "Toyota",
  model: "Corolla"

// Sealing the object

// Modifying the existing property value
car.model = "Camry";  // This is allowed

// Attempting to add or delete properties
car.year = 2020;  // This won't add the property
delete car.brand;  // This won't delete the brand property

console.log(car);  // Output: { brand: "Toyota", model: "Camry" }

In this example, the Object.seal() method prevents adding or removing properties but allows modifying the values of existing properties.

3. Using Object.preventExtensions()

The Object.preventExtensions() method prevents new properties from being added to an object. However, it allows modification and deletion of existing properties. This is useful when you want to limit the growth of an object while still allowing updates to current data.

Example of Object.preventExtensions()

const book = {
  title: "JavaScript Basics",
  author: "John Doe"

// Preventing property extensions

// Modifying existing properties
book.title = "Advanced JavaScript";  // This is allowed

// Deleting existing properties
delete;  // This is allowed

// Attempting to add new properties
book.year = 2024;  // This won't add the property

console.log(book);  // Output: { title: "Advanced JavaScript" }

In this example, while the title property can be modified and the author property can be deleted, new properties like year cannot be added.

4. Using Private Fields in Classes

With the introduction of ES6 classes, JavaScript now supports private fields within classes. Private fields are denoted by a hash (#) symbol and are not accessible or modifiable from outside the class.

Example of Private Fields

class User {

  constructor(username, password) {
    this.username = username;
    this.#password = password;  // Private field

  // Public method to access the private field
  checkPassword(inputPassword) {
    return this.#password === inputPassword;

const user1 = new User("JohnDoe", "secretPassword");

console.log(user1.username);  // Output: JohnDoe
console.log(user1.#password);  // Error: Private field '#password' is not accessible
console.log(user1.checkPassword("secretPassword"));  // Output: true

In this example, the #password field is private and cannot be accessed directly from outside the class. This ensures that sensitive information, like a password, is protected from external access.

5. Property Descriptors

In JavaScript, every object property has a property descriptor that controls its behavior. You can use property descriptors to fine-tune how properties can be accessed or modified. The most common descriptors are:

  • configurable: Determines if the property can be deleted or modified.
  • enumerable: Controls whether the property shows up during enumeration (e.g., in loops).
  • writable: Controls whether the property value can be changed.

Example of Defining Property Descriptors

const employee = {};

// Defining a property with custom descriptors
Object.defineProperty(employee, "id", {
  value: 1234,
  writable: false,  // The value cannot be changed
  enumerable: true,  // It will appear in loops
  configurable: false  // The property cannot be deleted

// Attempting to modify or delete the property = 5678;  // This won't change the value
delete;  // This won't delete the property

console.log(;  // Output: 1234

In this example, the id property is defined with a descriptor that makes it non-writable and non-configurable, protecting it from modification or deletion.


Object protection in JavaScript is an important technique for securing and controlling how objects and their properties are accessed or modified. Using methods like Object.freeze(), Object.seal(), Object.preventExtensions(), private fields, and property descriptors allows developers to safeguard their objects and maintain control over their data. By applying these object protection techniques, you can write more robust and secure JavaScript code.
