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JavaScript Strict Mode

JavaScript Strict Mode

JavaScript strict mode is a feature introduced in ECMAScript 5 (ES5) that helps you write more secure and optimized code by enforcing stricter parsing and error handling. It eliminates some silent JavaScript errors and throws exceptions, ensuring better coding practices and avoiding common pitfalls.

What Is Strict Mode?

Strict mode is a way to opt into a restricted version of JavaScript. It makes certain actions that are normally allowed produce errors and prevents the use of potentially problematic code patterns. By activating strict mode, you can catch mistakes early and improve the overall quality of your code.

Enabling Strict Mode

You can enable strict mode by adding the directive "use strict"; at the top of a JavaScript file or function. It can be applied to an entire script or within a specific function.

Strict Mode for Entire Script

"use strict";

function myFunction() {
  // Code in strict mode
  let x = 3.14;

Strict Mode for a Specific Function

function myFunction() {
  "use strict";
  let x = 3.14; // Code in strict mode

In both cases, the "use strict" directive ensures that the code is executed in strict mode. If placed at the top of a script, it applies to the entire script. When placed inside a function, it only applies to the code within that function.

Benefits of Using Strict Mode

Strict mode provides several advantages, including:

  • Prevents Undeclared Variables: Without strict mode, assigning a value to an undeclared variable creates a global variable. Strict mode throws an error if you try to use undeclared variables.
  • Disallows Duplicate Parameter Names: In non-strict mode, functions can have duplicate parameter names, which can lead to unexpected behavior. Strict mode prevents this.
  • Throws Errors for Silent Failures: Certain actions that silently fail in non-strict mode (like deleting non-deletable properties) throw errors in strict mode.
  • Prevents the Use of Restricted Keywords: Certain keywords, such as implements, interface, and private, are reserved for future use and cannot be used in strict mode.
  • Improves Code Optimization: Strict mode allows browsers to optimize code execution by eliminating problematic code patterns.

Common Errors Caught by Strict Mode

Here are a few examples of issues that strict mode can catch:

1. Assigning to an Undeclared Variable

"use strict";
x = 3.14; // Error: x is not defined

In strict mode, assigning a value to an undeclared variable will throw an error.

2. Deleting Non-deletable Properties

"use strict";
delete Object.prototype; // Error: Cannot delete property 'prototype'

In strict mode, you cannot delete properties that are not explicitly marked as deletable.

3. Using Duplicate Parameters in Functions

"use strict";
function myFunction(a, a) {
  // Error: Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context

Strict mode disallows functions with duplicate parameter names, ensuring that the function behaves as expected.

Strict Mode Limitations

While strict mode enforces better coding practices, it does have some limitations:

  • Strict mode does not apply to <script> tags that contain the type="module" attribute, as JavaScript modules are always in strict mode by default.
  • Some legacy code may not work correctly in strict mode, so it's essential to test your code after enabling it.


Using JavaScript strict mode is an excellent way to enforce cleaner, more secure, and optimized code. By catching common mistakes and promoting better practices, strict mode helps developers write more maintainable and bug-free code. While it may introduce some restrictions, the benefits of improved error detection and performance make it a valuable tool for any JavaScript developer.
