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Websites With Three.js

Examples and Case Studies with Three.js

Three.js is a powerful library for creating 3D graphics and visualizations on the web. Here are some examples and case studies showcasing the versatility and capabilities of Three.js:

1. A-Frame

A-Frame is a web framework built on top of Three.js for creating virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It provides a declarative HTML-like syntax for defining scenes, entities, and interactions in VR. A-Frame has been used to create immersive VR applications, educational experiences, and interactive storytelling projects.

2. Google Data Arts Team

The Google Data Arts Team has created numerous interactive data visualizations and experiments using Three.js. Examples include "The Evolution of Trust," a game-like visualization exploring the dynamics of trust in social interactions, and "The Cube," an interactive 3D music visualizer that allows users to explore music tracks in a virtual environment.

3. NASA Visualization Explorer

The NASA Visualization Explorer (NASA Viz) is a web application that presents scientific data and visualizations from NASA missions and research. It leverages Three.js to render 3D models of celestial bodies, spacecraft, and scientific phenomena, allowing users to explore the universe in a web browser.

4. The Raptor Lab

The Raptor Lab, part of the New York Times Graphics Department, has developed interactive storytelling projects using Three.js. Examples include "How to Build a Dinosaur" and "The Spooky Sound of a Black Hole Collision," which use 3D graphics and animations to enhance the narrative and engage readers.

5. Mozilla Hubs

Mozilla Hubs is a social virtual reality platform that enables users to create and interact in virtual spaces together. It uses Three.js for rendering 3D environments, avatars, and interactive objects in real-time VR. Mozilla Hubs provides a collaborative and immersive space for meetings, events, and social gatherings.

These examples demonstrate the diverse range of applications and use cases for Three.js, from data visualization and storytelling to virtual reality and social interaction. With its flexibility and extensibility, Three.js continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in web-based 3D graphics and immersive experiences.
