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SVG Sprites and Symbols

SVG Sprites and Symbols

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) sprites and symbols are techniques used to optimize SVG usage by consolidating multiple SVG graphics into a single file and reusing common elements across different parts of an SVG image. These techniques help reduce file size, improve performance, and simplify maintenance of SVG graphics. Here's an overview of SVG sprites and symbols:

1. SVG Sprites

SVG sprites involve combining multiple SVG graphics into a single file, often referred to as a sprite sheet. Each individual SVG graphic is defined within the sprite sheet, and specific graphics can be accessed and displayed by referencing their IDs or coordinates within the sprite sheet.


<svg xmlns="" style="display: none;">
  <symbol id="icon-1" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    <path d="M12 3c-4.97 0-9 4.03-9 9s4.03 9 9 9 9-4.03 9-9-4.03-9-9-9zm-3 9h6v6H9v-6z"/>
  <symbol id="icon-2" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    <path d="M12 3c-4.97 0-9 4.03-9 9s4.03 9 9 9 9-4.03 9-9-4.03-9-9-9zm-3 9h6v6H9v-6z"/>

This example defines two SVG symbols within a hidden SVG sprite. Each symbol represents an icon and can be referenced by its ID.

2. SVG Symbols

SVG symbols are reusable SVG graphics that can be defined once and reused multiple times within an SVG document. Symbols are defined using the <symbol> element and can be instantiated using the <use> element, specifying the ID of the symbol to use.


<svg width="24" height="24">
  <use xlink:href="#icon-1" />

This example instantiates the SVG symbol with the ID icon-1 within an SVG document, effectively reusing the defined icon.

3. Benefits of SVG Sprites and Symbols

  • Reduced File Size: By consolidating multiple SVG graphics into a single file, SVG sprites help reduce the number of HTTP requests and overall file size.
  • Improved Performance: Using symbols allows for efficient reuse of SVG graphics, reducing rendering overhead and improving performance.
  • Easier Maintenance: SVG sprites and symbols simplify the maintenance of SVG graphics by centralizing common elements and promoting reuse across multiple parts of an SVG image.

4. Conclusion

SVG sprites and symbols are powerful techniques for optimizing SVG usage, reducing file size, and improving performance. By consolidating multiple SVG graphics into a single file and promoting reuse of common elements, SVG sprites and symbols streamline the development and maintenance of SVG-based graphics in web applications.
