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MongoDB Introduction

MongoDB Tutorials

  • MongoDB is a document database that stores data in a flexible format called BSON (Binary JSON).
  • If you're new to JSON, you may want to check out our JSON tutorial for a better understanding.
  • In MongoDB, a record is known as a document, which resembles a JSON object with key-value pairs.

1. Understanding MongoDB Documents

In MongoDB, data is stored as documents, allowing for flexibility and scalability.

    title: "Post Title",
    content: "Content of the post.",
    category: "Technology",
    likes: 12,
    tags: ["mongodb", "tutorial"],
    created_at: ISODate("2022-04-10T08:00:00Z")

2. Exploring MongoDB with Examples

Let's explore MongoDB with examples to understand its functionality better.


Retrieve all documents with a category of "Technology".

db.posts.find( {category: "Technology"} )

3. SQL vs Document Databases

While SQL databases are relational and use tables to store data, MongoDB is a document database, storing data in flexible documents.

Unlike SQL databases where data is normalized and spread across multiple tables, MongoDB allows storing related data together in a document.

4. Local vs Cloud Database

You can install MongoDB locally or use cloud-based MongoDB Atlas.

While local installation gives you control over the server, MongoDB Atlas offers ease of use and scalability.

Setting up MongoDB Atlas

After creating an account, set up a free "Shared Cluster" and select your preferred cloud provider and region.

Configure database access by creating a user and adding your IP address to the list of allowed addresses under "Network Access".

5. Installing MongoDB Shell (mongosh)

MongoDB Shell, or mongosh, is a command-line tool used to interact with MongoDB databases.

Install mongosh using the official instructions for your operating system.

Verify the installation by running the command:

mongosh --version

Connect to your MongoDB database using the provided connection string from MongoDB Atlas.

6. What's Next?

With a solid understanding of MongoDB basics, you can proceed to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using mongosh.

Explore advanced topics like indexing, aggregation, and integration with backend technologies like Node.js.
