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MongoDB Creating Database with mongosh

MongoDB: Creating a Database with mongosh

  • Creating a database in MongoDB is the foundational step in organizing and managing your data effectively.
  • In this tutorial, we'll delve into the process of creating a new database using mongosh, MongoDB's versatile command-line shell.

1. Using mongosh

Mongosh provides a seamless command-line interface for interacting with MongoDB databases, offering powerful functionalities for database management.

Steps to Create a Database:

  1. Ensure that your MongoDB Server is up and running on your local machine or connected server.
  2. Open a terminal or command prompt to access the command-line interface.
  3. Launch the mongosh shell by typing:

Creating a Database:

  1. Once you're connected to mongosh, initiate the creation of a new database using the following command:
use myDatabase

Note: Replace "myDatabase" with your preferred database name.

2. Verifying Database Creation

To confirm the successful creation of the database, you can list all existing databases by executing the following command:

show databases

Your newly created database should be listed among the displayed databases.

3. What's Next?

Congratulations! You've taken the essential step of creating a database using mongosh. Now, you're equipped to define collections, insert documents, and execute various operations to manage your data efficiently.

Continue exploring advanced MongoDB features such as indexing, querying, and aggregation to elevate your database management skills further.
