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MongoDB Creating Collection with mongosh

MongoDB: Creating Collection with mongosh

  • In MongoDB, a collection is a grouping of MongoDB documents. It is analogous to a table in relational databases.
  • This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a new collection using mongosh, MongoDB's command-line shell.

1. Using mongosh

Mongosh offers a convenient command-line interface for interacting with MongoDB databases, allowing users to execute various database operations seamlessly.

Steps to Create a Collection:

  1. Ensure that you're connected to your MongoDB server using mongosh.
  2. To create a new collection, execute the following command:

Note: Replace "myCollection" with your desired collection name.

2. Verifying Collection Creation

You can verify the creation of the collection by listing all collections within the current database:

show collections

Your newly created collection should be listed among the displayed collections.

3. What's Next?

Excellent job! You've successfully created a collection using mongosh. Now, you're ready to insert documents, perform queries, and execute various operations to manage your MongoDB data effectively.

Explore advanced MongoDB features such as indexing, aggregation, and data modeling to enhance your database management skills further.
