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jQuery Hide and Show

jQuery - Hide and Show

Hide and show are two commonly used methods in jQuery for toggling the visibility of elements on a webpage. These methods allow you to hide or show elements either instantly or with a specified duration.

1. Basic Usage

The hide() and show() methods in jQuery are straightforward to use. They accept optional parameters to control the duration of the animation.


// Hide an element with default duration

// Show an element with default duration

// Hide an element with custom duration (milliseconds)

// Show an element with custom duration (milliseconds)

In this example, the hide() and show() methods are used to hide and show the element with the ID myElement respectively. The optional parameter specifies the duration of the animation in milliseconds.

2. Callback Functions

Both hide() and show() methods can accept a callback function as an argument, which is executed after the animation completes.


// Hide an element with callback function
$("#myElement").hide(1000, function() {
    console.log("Element hidden.");

// Show an element with callback function
$("#myElement").show(1000, function() {
    console.log("Element shown.");

In this example, the callback function is executed after the element is hidden or shown, providing a way to perform additional actions after the animation completes.

3. Toggle

The toggle() method in jQuery can be used to toggle the visibility of elements. If the element is currently visible, it will be hidden, and vice versa.


// Toggle the visibility of an element

// Toggle the visibility of an element with custom duration

This example demonstrates toggling the visibility of the element with the ID myElement. The optional parameter specifies the duration of the animation.

4. Conclusion

Hide and show methods in jQuery provide a simple and effective way to control the visibility of elements on a webpage. By utilizing these methods, developers can create more interactive and dynamic user interfaces.

Additionally, the ability to specify animation durations and use callback functions adds flexibility and customization to the hide and show operations.
