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Input Type Datetime-Local In HTML

HTML Input Type Datetime-Local

  • The HTML input type "datetime-local" is used to create an input field specifically designed for entering date and time values, without timezone information.
  • It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting date and time, allowing users to pick values from a calendar and time picker.
  • Let's explore the attributes and examples of using the input type "datetime-local" in HTML to cover all scenarios.

1. Basic Datetime-Local Input:

To create a basic datetime-local input field, use the input element with type="datetime-local":

<input type="datetime-local" id="datetime" name="datetime">

2. Required Datetime-Local Input:

You can make the datetime-local input field required using the "required" attribute:

<input type="datetime-local" id="datetime" name="datetime" required>

3. Placeholder Text:

Add placeholder text to provide a hint or example of the expected date and time format:

<input type="datetime-local" id="datetime" name="datetime" placeholder="Select date and time">

4. Custom Validation Message:

You can customize the validation message displayed to the user using the "title" attribute:

<input type="datetime-local" id="datetime" name="datetime" title="Please select a valid date and time">

5. Min and Max Values:

Specify minimum and maximum values for the datetime-local input field using the "min" and "max" attributes:

<input type="datetime-local" id="datetime" name="datetime" min="2022-01-01T00:00" max="2022-12-31T23:59">

6. Disabled Datetime-Local Input:

To make the datetime-local input field disabled, use the "disabled" attribute:

<input type="datetime-local" id="datetime" name="datetime" disabled>

7. Default Value:

You can set a default value for the datetime-local input field using the "value" attribute:

<input type="datetime-local" id="datetime" name="datetime" value="2022-03-31T12:00">

8. Use Cases:

  • The input type "datetime-local" is commonly used in event booking forms, appointment scheduling, and task management applications.
  • It provides users with a convenient way to select date and time values accurately and efficiently.
  • Using the datetime-local input field improves user experience by simplifying the process of entering date and time information.
  • Datetime-local input fields with built-in validation ensure the integrity and accuracy of date and time data submitted through web forms.


The HTML input type "datetime-local" offers a user-friendly way to capture date and time values without timezone information. By utilizing its various attributes and examples, you can create effective datetime-local input fields that enhance user experience and streamline data entry processes.

Experiment with different attributes such as "min", "max", and "placeholder" to tailor datetime-local input fields to your specific requirements. With practice, you'll become proficient in leveraging the input type "datetime-local" to create intuitive and efficient web forms.
