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Difference Between Aria Attributes and Normal Html Attributes


In web development and accessibility, understanding the distinction between ARIA attributes and normal HTML attributes is crucial. While both play significant roles in crafting web content, they serve distinct purposes and are applied in different contexts. ARIA attributes, short for Accessible Rich Internet Applications, are designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that web applications are inclusive and usable for individuals with disabilities. On the other hand, normal HTML attributes form the bedrock of web page structure and presentation.

In this article, we will learn the fundamental dissimilarities between these two types of attributes, shedding light on their respective functions, use cases, and the pivotal role they play in creating accessible and feature-rich web experiences. The main difference between aria-* attributes (ARIA attributes) and normal HTML attributes is their purpose and usage:

01. Purpose

  • ARIA Attributes (aria-*): ARIA attributes are specifically designed to improve the accessibility of web content for individuals with disabilities. They provide additional information to assistive technologies (e.g., screen readers) to make web applications and documents more understandable and navigable.

  • Normal HTML Attributes: Normal HTML attributes are used for defining the structure, presentation, and behavior of web elements. They are not primarily intended for accessibility but instead for rendering and functionality.

02. Accessibility

  • ARIA Attributes (aria-*): ARIA attributes are used to enhance the accessibility of web content. They help in conveying information about the roles, states, and properties of elements to assistive technologies, ensuring that users with disabilities can interact with web content effectively.

  • Normal HTML Attributes: Normal HTML attributes define the visual appearance and behavior of elements but do not provide specific information about accessibility. While they can indirectly affect accessibility, their primary purpose is not related to accessibility.

03. Usage Guidelines

  • ARIA Attributes (aria-*): ARIA attributes should be used in conjunction with normal HTML elements when necessary to improve accessibility. They should be used sparingly and in situations where standard HTML elements and attributes alone are insufficient to convey accessibility information.

  • Normal HTML Attributes: Normal HTML attributes are used throughout web development to define the structure and appearance of web content. They are essential for creating web pages but may not address all aspects of accessibility.


  • ARIA Attributes (aria-*): Examples of ARIA attributes include aria-label, aria-describedby, aria-hidden, and aria-live. These attributes are used to label elements, provide descriptions, hide elements from screen readers, and announce live updates, respectively.

  • Normal HTML Attributes: Examples of normal HTML attributes include src, class, id, alt, href, and style. These attributes control image sources, define CSS classes, identify elements, specify alternative text for images, and manage hyperlinks and styles.


In short, ARIA attributes are a supplemental set of attributes specifically designed to enhance the accessibility of web content for users with disabilities. Normal HTML attributes are the standard attributes used for defining the structure and behavior of web elements. Both types of attributes have their respective roles and are often used together to create accessible and functional web applications.
