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12+ Shortcut Keys Of Visual Studio Code Editor


Shortcut keys can significantly improve our productivity and efficiency when working with VS Code or any other code editor, allowing us to navigate, edit, and manage our code more effectively. Here are 13 commonly used shortcuts in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) along with their descriptions:

1. Ctrl + P: This shortcut opens the Quick Open menu, allowing you to quickly navigate and open files in your project by typing their names.

2. Ctrl + Shift + P: This shortcut opens the Command Palette, where you can access various commands and features of VS Code by typing their names.

3. Ctrl + B: Pressing this shortcut toggles the visibility of the sidebar (Explorer) in VS Code, providing quick access to your files and project structure.

4. Ctrl + Shift + E: This shortcut focuses on the sidebar (Explorer), allowing you to easily navigate and manage your files and folders.

5. Ctrl + Shift + M: This shortcut opens the Problems panel, which displays any errors, warnings, or other issues in your code.

6. Ctrl + Shift + L: When multiple instances of the same word or selection are present in your code, using this shortcut selects all occurrences for simultaneous editing.

7. Ctrl + D: This shortcut selects the word at the cursor or the next occurrence of the current selection, allowing you to quickly make multiple selections for editing.

8. Alt + Up or Alt + Down: With this shortcut, you can move the current line or the selected block of lines up or down in your code.

9. Ctrl + / or Ctrl + Shift + 7: Pressing this shortcut comments out the current line or selected block of code, adding a comment symbol (//) at the beginning.

10. Ctrl + F: This shortcut opens the Find widget, allowing you to search for specific text within the current file.

11. Ctrl + H: Similar to Ctrl + F, this shortcut opens the Replace widget, enabling you to find and replace specific text within the current file.

12. Ctrl + Shift + F: This shortcut opens the Search sidebar, enabling you to perform a global search across all files in your project.

13. Ctrl + `: Pressing this shortcut opens the integrated Terminal in VS Code, providing a command-line interface within the editor itself.

