Question: How to get file extension using javascript
Answer: We have solved this question in two way, first way is not to check 'url' you can check 'image', 'document' etc. But second method is use to check 'url', 'image', 'document' etc. let's see both methods one by one
First: This method is work only for 'image' and 'document' files.
function getExtension(path) { var basename = path.split(/[\\/]/).pop(), indexNum = basename.lastIndexOf("."); if (basename === "" || indexNum < 1) return ""; return basename.slice(indexNum + 1); } console.log( getExtension("Rustcode.web") );
Second: This is work for 'url', 'image' and 'document' files.
function getExtension(file) { var regexp = /\.([0-9a-z]+)(?:[\?#]|$)/i; var extension = file.match(regexp); return extension && extension[1]; } console.log(getExtension("")); console.log(getExtension("")); console.log(getExtension("")); console.log(getExtension(""));
"com" "null" "html" "html"
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