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09+ Most Popular Blogs To Learn Web Development


Most Popular Blogs To Learn Web Development

As we know software development is a game of practice and experience. Since there are many developers out there who share their experience, it’s a little bit difficult to follow all of them. So here in this article, we will discuss various blogs that will provide you a good knowledge of web development related technology.

"More you practice, more you’ll learn".

If you are a beginner and want to start learning web development from scratch, you can see the list of top websites that provides you a systematic tutorial on web development.



CSS-TRICKS publish articles that are related to web development and the latest technology. CSS-TRICKS published articles that are related to javascript, css, JavaScript library, WordPress, responsive web design, etc. Besides this, css-tricks are providing video tutorials that are also related to web development. The good think of this website that it also provides job options where you can hire someone or you can get a job or you can work as a freelancer for someone.

2. Tutsplus


This (tutsplus) is a very popular site that provides several tutorials that are related to web development and web design. Tutsplus keeps design & illustration, music & audio, photo & video, Business, 3D & Animation, Game Development related tutorials. On tutspuls, eBooks also available which are directly related to design, software and Business development.

3. CSS Author

CSS Author is a very good website if you want to learn various technologies like wordpress, html, css, php, javascript, photoshop, ui-design, blogger, joomla and bootstrap you can read the article here. It also provides many articles on web development.

4. Creative Bloq


In this blog, you will read many category articles like HTML and CSS, web design, 3D modeling, javascript, fonts, animation, digital art, graphic designUX and more!. Besides this, it has a job link where you can join creative bloq

5. David Walsh


David Walsh is a very old website/blog which writes articles on web development and web-related technology. Here you can find articles on html5, css3, Jquery, Javascript, Fetch API, ReactJs, NodeJs, SEOphp and wordpress. If you want to know about David Walsh click here.

6. Codrops


The Codrops blog, you will learn how to use various javascript libraries with HTML and CSS, how to create various animated pages using basic CSS and little bit use of javascript. It has an article link, where you can read web design and web development related articles. It also includes a handy CSS reference, a web development experiment playground. Basically here, you will learn UI Design uses various web technologies.

7. React Blog


React is a javascript library. These days, React is a very popular front-end web development framework. ReactJs is developed by facebook to design user interface. So on the react blog you can learn a lot of stuff which is related to web user interface design. You can also read react tutorials and docs.

8. CodePen Blog


Codepen has its own blog where it shares the feature of CodePen and some web related stuff also. But here many developers share their personal experience, code, and articles. So CodePen is also a good option to learn web development from other developers.

9. Github Blog


Github is used by many professional developers to develop large software. Currently, Github is the product of microsoft. Github has a blog,  where many professional and experienced developers share their articles, which are related to software development. So if you want to improve your programming skills, this is the best platform to read code and articles. Here you can also contribute to some open-source projects.

10. DesignShack


Design Shack has several articles on web development, mobile web design, web layout, Navigation bar, Graphics, html, css, javascript and Business tips etc. Design Shack article and content is really clean and clear, so learning from here is comfortable and easy. Here, you’ll discover great reviews, typography, and trends.
